Do you know the meaning of scar on upper left arm??

Do you know the meaning of scar on upper left arm ¿??????

You might have seen or you have it on your arms
There is a scar, if you want to know whats that follow the article and comment
Image result for vaccine scarsThe scar is of small pox vaccine,
The vaccine was developed by Alexander Fleming some of you might know about him. 
Smallpox is a chronic disease spread by virus.
Image result for smallpox
To steralise the vaccine burning method was used which when touched to skin produced a scar

what is vaccine ????

Vaccine is an amazing thing for understanding. A microscopic organism resembling to the virus or bacteria is inserted in your body in earlier age.
Your body develops immunity against that organism. Now you body is able to fight with the virus at any stage of life.

 If you got answer to some queries and learnt something new. please share and comment your questions.


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