why the shit stinks?????????????

why the shit stints ??

Image result for shit
  Though it is an unusual and weird question but luckily you will get the answer.
So, some chemistry and biology is involved here 

The main component of our food is glucose chemical formula: C6H12O
we get this source mainly from plants,  plants manufacture glucose from Carbon Di-oxide and Water, by the process of photosynthesis.

our body requires oxygen from this compound for reasons please refer to my other article why we need food 
 when oxygen is taken from glucose  in our intestine another compound forms which has similarity with methane the compound is Skatole 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  this is the reason why our shit stinks 

free advice: to avoid foul smell in your washroom you can buy some fresheners to buy please click https://amzn.to/36JOmks


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