
Showing posts from January, 2020

Does red bull energy drink contains bull sperm¿???????¿

Does red bull contains bull sperm??   I viewed some social posts in Which red bull was targeted to add bull sperm to it   I did some research and found the answer.  The answer is NO, red bull does not contain bull sperms nor its ingredient Taurine is derived from its testicles.  Red Bull  contains Taurine which was named after "taurus" ♉  Taurine is the major component of bile juice which is prepared by bile gland in pancreas. Bile breaks fat into monosaccharides during digestion. If you are aware that pancreas do not make  sperms it's testes which make sperms.  So you now know that red bull does not contain bull sperm.  But its also not healthy to consume energy drinks as it contains artificial sweeteners, carbonated water which is not good for your health.  However if you want energy rush in your body you can consume dark chocolates. You can buy some healthy dark chocolates here:  chocolates  

Do you know the meaning of scar on upper left arm??

Do you know the meaning of scar on upper left arm ¿?????? You might have seen or you have it on your arms There is a scar, if you want to know whats that follow the article and comment The scar is of small pox vaccine, The vaccine was developed by Alexander Fleming some of you might know about him.  Smallpox is a chronic disease spread by virus. To steralise the vaccine burning method was used which when touched to skin produced a scar what is vaccine ???? Vaccine is an amazing thing for understanding. A microscopic organism resembling to the virus or bacteria is inserted in your body in earlier age. Your body develops immunity against that organism. Now you body is able to fight with the virus at any stage of life.  If you got answer to some queries and learnt something new. please share and comment your questions.

why can't we remember our early childhood

why can't we remember our early childhood ????? some questions strike the mind ridiculously. To get answers to your questions follow these articles and comment your questions. let's come to the point. why don't we remember our early childhood ? the fact responsible for this is CHILDHOOD AMNESIA whats childhood amnesia ? Remember Bollywood movies where getting a hit on head leads to memory loss, this memory loss is termed as Amnesia in medical terms Why ? OK you got Amnesia term but why ?????? see the early five years are the developing age of a child and the brain also develops during this age.  the part responsible for storing memories is HIPOCAMPUS  it starts developing after 6th month of birth. So you don't remember your first walk your best days which you see in albums can't we have a single memory ??????????? No, that's not fully correct, Your Mother tongue and assembling of toys goes into your long term memories but no

what is fungal infection??????????? Fungal infection क्या है ?

  Fungal infection क्या है ?  भारत में हर साल फंगल इन्फेक्शन से  10 लाख लोग परेशांन  होते हैं। पूरी दुनिया में भी इसके कई मामले सामने आये।  इस आर्टिकल में आप को पता चलेगा की आखिर फंगल इन्फेक्शन होता क्या है और ये allergies से अलग कैसे है ?   फंगस  दुनिया में लगभग उस  हर जगह रह सकती है जहां नमी हो।  यह पौधों में हवा में पानी में और मिटटी में अधिकतर पायी जाती है। फंगस एक ऐसा जीव है जो पौधों जैसा लगता तो है पर खुद का भोजन नहीं बना सकता इसी कारण यह इंसानो में भी पाए जाते हैं। आप को  एलर्जी  भी  फंगस के कारण  ही होती है यह  जुखाम  और  खांसी  के लिए भी कई हद तक ज़िम्मेदार होता है।  फंगल इन्फेक्शन और एलर्जी में अंतर : एलर्जी  हमारे शरीर की क्रिया है जब भी कोई बाहर की चीज़ आपकी त्वचा के सहारे शरीर के अंदर आना चाहती हो पर वह शरीर के लिए नुक्सानदायक है तब वहां की त्वचा में सूजन और दाने हो जाते है यही एलर्जी होती है।   वही फंगल इन्फेक्शन   हमारी त्वचा पर फंगस के उगने पर होती है।  फंगस अपने आँख से न दिखने वाले बीजो को हवा में फैला देती है, इन बीजो को जब नमी वाली जगह मिलती है तो यह

why the shit stinks?????????????

why the shit stints ??    Though it is an unusual and weird question but luckily you will get the answer. So, some chemistry and biology is involved here  The main component of our food is glucose chemical formula: C 6 H 12 O 6  we get this source mainly from plants,  plants manufacture glucose from Carbon Di-oxide and Water, by the process of photosynthesis. our body requires oxygen from this compound for reasons please refer to my other article  why we need food   when oxygen is taken from glucose  in our intestine another compound forms which has similarity with methane the compound is Skatole                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    this is the rea